Free Astrology Avatars

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We challenged deviantART's free avatar creators to make free astrological avatars during March and April of 2011, and the outcome was fantastic! In this article you'll find FREE AVATARS that represent a variety of astrological elements and signs.

Most of these avatars were submitted for our challenge, but a few of them were found to help round out our examples in each section.

Please :+fav: and follow the artist's terms of use before using any of these avatars. Each avatar is 50x50 and under 15kb for use at deviantART.

What is Astrology?

Because so much work went into creating all these astrological avvies, it would be nice to know a little about the subject... defines astrology as follows:
    Astrology [uh-strol-uh-jee] noun 1) the  study  of  the  motions  and  relative  positions  of  the  planets,  sun,  and  moon,  interpreted  in  terms  of  human  characteristics  and  activities; 2) the primitive study of celestial bodies, which formed the basis of astronomy.
Which came first, astronomy or astrology? I've found debate on both sides of this argument. Both studies seem to be equally ancient. While astronomy focuses on movements of heavenly bodies, astrology takes it a step further by asserting that these celestial giants have some influence over our personalities, our characteristics, and even our destinies.

Free: Sleepy Sun by RolledOats AV - Voxel Star by firstfear Moons - Free Icon Pack by etNoir:thumb174397556: Bottled Up Cosmos by CitricLily
Free icon - sun vomit by Krissi001 Rainbow star Avi -Free- by elliexero Free Avatar - Shining Sun by AlenaChen Free Avatar: Night Sky by Heart4Skies
Avatar: Planetary Symbol Icons by FantasyStockAvatars

There have been different types of astrology from various cultures throughout history. This article focuses on only two of them: Western astrology and Chinese astrology. These are the two most popular practices of modern astrology. There is a list of astrological traditions at Wikipedia if you're curious to know about more.

My horoscope is always wrong. Modern practitioners of western astrology commonly ask for the the exact time, date, year and location of birth before calculating and interpreting a person's chart. This could be why a lot of people complain that their horoscopes in the newspaper are generally dead wrong. Without knowing your unique, individual factors, no astrologer is going to be able to give you a proper horoscope. Though some charts may be similar (twins born only a few minutes apart), each person's chart is relatively unique. Newspaper horoscopes are like publishing a very general weather report for an entire region rather than your local weather that can tell you the exact temperatures and wind speeds to expect on a specific day.

...Which is also why this article may seem kind of broad, generalized, and less than specific.

That is... if you believe all this mumbo-jumbo. Mumbo-jumbo or not, either way, astrology is a fun diversion. Let's face it, there's nothing wrong with wondering about one's destiny as long as it isn't used as an excuse to quit making decisions for oneself.

Let it be known that this article isn't meant to make a believer out of you. It's only intended for entertainment. I'm not offering any spiritual advice or magical solutions.

Western Astrology

I'm not going to get into each planet's influences, but I will include that there are 12 astrological signs, each associated with a classic element found in nature: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water.


The element of Fire is generally associated with force and movement. This energy is ruled by Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, and it manifests differently under the influence of each of these constellations. For example, under the influence of Aries, fire manifests in impulsive, headstrong characteristics; Leo fire is most generally exhibited with intrepid resolution, while Sagittarius fire erupts with straight forward optimism. People born with fiery sun signs tend to be known by their actions... or sometimes worse, their inaction.

Earth is most known for it's stable, solid, physical characteristics. Earth is ruled by the constellations of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Earth qualities are manifested in Taurus with an attention to physical sensation and is known to carry elements of stubbornness; Virgo exhibits earth-like energies with more pragmatic and structured tendencies, while Capricorn earth influence is more literal, having to do with physical objects, money, materialism and status/power. Those born under these signs often concern themselves with the physical world of ownership and organization (or lack thereof).

The element of Air is usually associated with mental, non-physical energies. It's ruled by Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. The element is expressed by Gemini with urges to communicate and vocalize thoughts. Air is manifested by Libra with more critical thinking and the study of society and relationships, while Aquarius rules this element by lending qualities that seek universal understanding and objectivity. Concerned mostly with intellectual ideas, those born under these sun signs these are generally the most likely to get lost in their own thoughts on a somewhat regular basis.

Air Nation Avatar by parallellogic Free avatar - Night by teatan:thumb181594073: Free Avatar: Air Symbol by FantasyStock Airbending Avatar by RoseSagae Avatar: Elemental Fey - Air by FantasyStockAvatars

As elements go, Water is probably the most contradictory because water is capable of being a solid, a gas, or a liquid. Summed up as simply as I can, water is generally associated with the unconscious mind, perhaps even a bit of spirituality if you want to call it that. It's ruled by Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Cancer manifests water with deep feelings and a healthy dose of defensiveness. Water is also demonstrated with Scorpio's heightened tendencies toward intense intimacy and Pisces' vast ability to believe in something with everything they've got. This element is most characterized for what cannot be put into words. After all, what is a dream?

Waterbending Avatar by RoseSagae waterfall avatar by 3greendogs:thumb181593905: ::Element-Water:: by Axysses Water Tribe Avatar by parallellogic Avatar: Elemental Fey - Water by FantasyStockAvatars

When you hear people talk about astrological "signs," they're usually referring to their sun sign, the star constellation that was most predominant in the sky at the time of their birth.

Astrological Signs

For the purposes of writing an article (as opposed to an entire book), I'm just going to address a little about each astrological sign.

Each of these signs is actually a constellation of stars in the night sky. As our planet Earth orbits the sun through the year, different constellations appear at different times.

Yes, the hemisphere you were born in matters, but the information provided here is specific to astrology in the northern hemisphere. Since I'm not an expert, I hope it doesn't matter much in the context of this article.

March 21 - April 20 Being the first sign of the zodiac, Aries is known for it's forceful characteristics that may be acted out by pushing limits with an almost self-centered innocence. Like the ram in the Aries constellation, this sign is less concerned with introspection and more concerned with charging ahead, often driving those born under this sign into physically challenging or highly competitive roles. These types despise being analyzed too deeply, and they are among the most likely to resent criticism. Many Aries born people feel happiest whenever attempting a new daredevil stunt, especially if anyone's watching.

April 21 - May 21 The constellation of Taurus is the bull, which is fitting because this sign has a reputation for bullheadedness. Those influenced by this sign may seem a bit confrontational because of this stubborn streak. People with strong Taurus influences tend to appreciate sensual things in life like food, drink, and physical comfort. At their best, this means a keen taste for beautiful and delicious things. At their worst, it can come across as hedonistic or self-indulgent. I've heard it said that a Taurus is at his best when he's able to relax in a beautiful garden completely of his own making.

May 22 - June 21 People born under the constellation of the twins are considered Gemini. These quick-witted individuals are prone to phases of flightiness because of often racing thoughts. (This is also the reason they're sometimes a little accident prone.) Gemini is the chatterbox of the zodiac to the extent that many of them don't even require an audience; it's common to hear a Gemini thinking aloud to oneself. Gemini is famous for coming up with a great idea, developing it into a glorious project without being able to finish before the next great idea comes up.

June 22 - July 22 The constellation of Cancer is the crab, ok, but bear with me here! Think of it like crabs have a shell of protective armor, shielding a very soft, very vulnerable being inside. People influenced by Cancer feel things more deeply than the rest of us, which can cause them to act a bit over protectively when anyone they care about seems threatened. Through this almost over-sensitivity, Cancer people may seem a bit empathic in their ability to read other people's emotions. They are usually most satisfied within a deeply emotional and mutually connected relationship where it's comfortable to share their talents for sympathetic, non-verbal communication.

July 23 - August 23 I'm sure you've heard the phrase, "Leo, the Lion." Leo is famed for it's courage and regal presence. People influenced by Leo carry a certain air of rulership about them. Notice, I didn't say "leadership" because Leos often don't even realize how they impose their will on others; it just kind of happens from the sheer force of their being. Even the shyest Leo usually knows how to get their way because a Leo isn't going to argue for long, but he isn't going to back down either. Others often cave to a Leo's demands without much resistance. If one may consider Taurus the immovable object of the zodiac, then Leo is certainly the unstoppable force. Those influenced by Leo will shine the brightest when showering loved ones with their massive gifts for loyalty and generosity.

August 24 - September 22 Down to Earth Virgo is depicted in the stars as a virgin. Grounded in the wisdom of a discerning eye, Virgos are discriminating and highly selective with regard to just about everything. Someone with strong Virgo influences will consider all important goals with deep, careful analysis and manage the necessary tasks with detailed planning. Because most Virgos are also really awesome at anticipating the needs of partners in a structured group, they often expect the same in return; indeed, a Virgo may resent it if they have to ask for their silent needs to be met. These people are at their best when they are solving puzzles that will ultimately further their plans for a stable future particularly if it means advancement for a whole group.

September 23 - October 22 The scales of balance weigh upon Libra, so the stars would say. Libra influences drive these individuals to seek harmony, balance, and a way for everything to happen as easily as possible without problems, yet Libras are conflicted with a sharp eye for even the smallest flaws. It's this critical eye for imperfection that can sometimes lead a Libra to some rather unbalanced and disharmonious actions. Because of a Libra's need to see every situation from both sides, it can be difficult for those influenced by this sign to make decisions or take any action at all. Those born under Libra seem most at peace with the world when they can strike a balance between fairness and perfection, a rather lofty ideal.

October 23 - November 21 The scorpion constellation is called Scorpio. A Scorpio once told me that this is because a scorpion's sting is sudden, precise, lighting quick, and utterly fatal. Scorpio is a passionate influence full of intensity. Of all three water signs, the hottest, most boiling, steaming, undulating, churning, sensual is Scorpio. Under the sometimes secretive, serious demeanor of a Scorpio influenced soul lies a powerfully deep, dark, sensual being that craves intense intimacy. Most Scorpios find their greatest pleasures in life when they're allowed to be fully in control.


Free Sagittarius Avatar by CitricLily Zodiac Avatar: Sagittarius by FantasyStockAvatars Free dAv: Zodiac - Sagittarius by Freesong Sagittarius by SheWhoWalksWithThee Free Zodiac Avatar-Sagittarius by BabyRuca

November 22 - December 21 This hunter in the stars is Sagittarius, a constellation of an archer, half human and half horse. The archer's arrow is a good example of the Sagittarius trait of aiming straight for the heart of any situation. Those born under this sign are likely to speak very frankly on most matters, they often exhibit a love of nature and an affinity with animals, and they usually hold strong opinions full of optimistic ideology. This sign is well known for its high spirited desire for travel and even relocation from time to time. Most Sagittarians seem perfectly at home on an adventure.

December 22 - January 20 The symbol for Capricorn is a goat. Think of a mountain goat that knows the way to the top of the mountain is never easy. This means careful footing, always gaining a higher vantage point, and limiting the use of one's resources to assure the top will be reached. Capricorns aren't generally concerned by the arduous journey or how long it may take them to get where they are going. This translates to an innate understanding of power, how to get it, and how to use it. At their worst, these individuals can seem like dictators, but Capricorns are generally most confident in roles where they are able to assume absolute responsibility.


Free Aquarius Avatar by CitricLily Zodiac Avatar: Aquarius by FantasyStockAvatars Free dAvatar: Zodiac-Aquarius by Freesong Aquarius by SheWhoWalksWithThee Free Zodiac Avatar - Aquarius by BabyRuca

January 21 - February 19 There is something almost childlike about Aquarius. The celestial water bearer is an accepting guy because he's perceptive when it comes to universal truths and the wisdom in varying points of view. Sure, he may seem eccentric and unpredictable, but that's because he's so imaginative, and he generally keeps an easy-going attitude of openness. In fact, this sign can influence such open acceptance of others that it may confuse an Aquarius when faced with personal rejection. An Aquarius is usually at his best when life is flowing smoothly and he can keep things light and easy.

February 20 - March 20 If the order of the zodiac signs reflect the stages of life, Aries, the first sign would represent the stage of life nearest to birth. Therefore Pisces, being the last sign of the zodiac, would represent the stage of life closest to death. I find Pisces is the most difficult sign to describe because it's all about abstract, dreamy qualities that can make it difficult for people influenced by this sign to have a stable social life. Their deep sensitivity makes them easily hurt; but it also makes them keenly aware of other people's pain. Those influenced by Pisces may be prone to bouts of depression, but in this depression is a kind of wisdom that can awaken profound understanding of the human soul. It is this wisdom that is so alluring to close friends that like delving into the deep matters that occupy the Pisces mind. The two fish in the Pisces constellation are swimming into the cosmos, which is a reasonable way to describe a Pisces on a good day.

Recently, there's been some debate about a 13th sign, Ophiuchus, the serpent bearer. This sign occurs from November 29 through December 18. It is suggested that this is a sign of healers and physicians, but Ophiuchus has been mostly ignored in modern astrology.

Chinese Astrology

I'm not as familiar with Chinese astrology as I am with its western counterpart. Here's what I know:


Like Western astrology, there are 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac. Unlike western astrology, which rotates every twelve months, the Chinese zodiac cycles every 12 years. In addition to Fire, Earth, and Water, Chinese tradition includes two more elements: Metal and Wood. (Yes, the element of Air is not included in Chinese tradition. Thanks to zirathedarkelf for reminding me!)

Each year, each month... each hour has a sign attached to it. As with western astrology, there are generally lots of "signs" in each person's chart. For example, you may have been born in the Year of the Rat, but you may also have been born within the hours of the Rooster (between 5:00 to 6:59pm), and so on.

The order of the animals is important too. There are several stories about how the order was chosen, but my favorite involves a race between all the animals to see who would get to the other side of a river, which would decide who would be first in the zodiac. Ox would have been the clear winner, but clever Rat convinced Ox to let him ride on his back across the deep water. When Ox approached the end of the race, Rat jumped off Ox's back and got to the river bank just a split second before Ox could jump onto dry land. Rat won the race by using his brains. Of course, Pig was too lazy for the whole thing, so he came in last place. (Last, but not least!)

If you're curious about finding your Chinese zodiac sign, you can use's Chinese Zodiac Sign Calculator.

Rat is socially savvy enough to have convinced Ox to let him ride on his back for the whole race, and this kind of ingenious thinking is what Rat is best known for. Of course, Rat can also be known for chasing his own tail with lots of nervous energy to spare. Rat is highly intelligent, perceptive, and he possesses a talent for seizing a good opportunity. Rat usually offers wise advice, though it may not be what you want to hear.

Ox is a steady contender with a strong sense of duty and a deep love for his private life at home and with family. He may not be the most adventurous beast, but his determination and fortitude are second to none. Ox has a reputation for being stubbornly reliable. He may not be the most socially astute or romantic creature, but Ox is usually a loving and faithful friend.


Rawr Tiger Avi -Free- by elliexero ChineseZodiac Tiger Bottle by CitricLily Free Avatar: Chinese Tiger by FantasyStock Tiger Avatar by SonderSays FREE - Running Tiger by Emotikonz Free tiger icon by Tirrih:thumb182242766:

Passionate Tiger has an independent streak, a fondness for freedom, and a dislike for structured routine. There's a restlessness in this cat, which is coupled with the kind of courage it takes to get herself into positions of power. Always dominating the hunt with sleek precision, Tiger has skillfully mastered the art of flirtation.

Currently, it's the year of the Metal Rabbit. Rabbit is generally known for his shy, sensitive personality. But Metal Rabbit has a bit more of an edge. He's less timid. While Rabbit usually tends to stay out of arguments, opting for a more diplomatic role, Metal Rabbit can be a shrewd negotiator with more ambition than the average bunny. Rabbit is typically known for his soft, gentle, vulnerable demeanor, but this year he's wearing armor.

This isn't like the dragon of Western legends that wrought death and destruction. In Chinese mythology, Dragon is a sacred, lucky beast that symbolizes power. Dragon is flamboyantly colorful, social to a degree of possible overbearing. He's easily excitable, and he can excite others with his presence. He's a proud, magnetic serpent with high ambitions and big dreams.


ChineseZodiac Snake Bottle by CitricLily Free Avatar: Chinese Snake by FantasyStock:thumb60435840: Avatar: Snake Skin by FantasyStockAvatars

Mysterious, wise Snake is considered the guardian of treasure. She's known for the way she attracts wealth and admirers with her calm, cool, sophisticated social side. The mystery of Snake is that she's so private and so secretive that she operates within her own sense of knowing, which others find utterly unpredictable. Few can resist her for her sexual and nearly psychic charms.


ChineseZodiac Horse Bottle by CitricLily Free Avatar: Chinese Horse by FantasyStock zomg it's spirit by BronzeHalo Rocking Horse by therealShelob:thumb177000573:
Free avatars: horse colours by BronzeHalo Free avatars: Gallop by BronzeHalo

There is a good reason why we still measure the strength of an engine in terms of Horse Power. It's because horse is power. Horse is a vivacious creature, bursting with raw energy! He isn't satisfied by standing around in one place for very long. He wants to kick up his heels and run! Horse has trouble settling down. Though he is very intelligent, he can be seriously impulsive, high spirited, and a little bossy at times.


ChineseZodiac RamBottle by CitricLily Free Avatar: Chinese Ram by FantasyStock Free Shiny Mareep jump Avatar by Fluffyfishsticks Free Avatar: Sheep by apparate Sheep Free Icon by my-plush

I've seen this animal represented as a Sheep, a Goat, and a Ram. Let's call him a Ram. (It seems the least offensive.) Ram is kind of a quiet beast. He can be easily upset, though he's not likely to outwardly express it. Ram's careful, surefooted manner comes from his love of stability. Rams make excellent mates or co-workers that find deep satisfaction in mutual partnerships.


ChineseZodiac Monkey Bottle by CitricLily Free Avatar: Chinese Monkey by FantasyStock Monkey Avatar - Free by sicara-deviant Monkey Smile Free Icon by FerretJAcK:thumb195943854::thumb195348398::thumb129610061::thumb126686345:

Silly Monkey! Like Horse, Monkey is restless, and she doesn't feel the need for much routine in her life. Like Gemini, Monkey could be considered the chatterbox of this zodiac. She's highly inquisitive, extremely social, and she's quick to learn any new tricks. While most people adore Monkey's crafty sense of humor, others may think she's too smart for her own good.

Extroverted Rooster is known for his colorful, confident personality. Often the life of any party, Rooster prides himself on his good looks and stylish sense of fashion. Though outspoken almost to a fault, Rooster is an honest bird with no love for deception. Rooster craves to be admired, and he is often found at the center of attention. Though he can turn on the dArama over knit-picky things (usually just for show), Rooster is generally a pragmatic beast with straightforward sensibilities.

Loyal Dog is a true friend indeed. With a strong urge to be helpful, Dog is talented at sizing up almost anyone's situation and finding good solutions to any apparent problems. Always trustworthy, Dog possesses a highly developed sense of fairness. Though Dog can be quickly provoked into displaying aggression, it's almost always over and forgotten before any harm is done.

Unpretentious Pig is a trusting fellow with a heart of gold, which may be worn on his sleeve. Pig may be a bit naive when it comes to the motives of others, but that's because he's such a trustworthy friend that he may have difficulty imagining how nasty some people can be. Pig is known for his cheery disposition, his good sense of humor, and his love of great food. Pig isn't the most adventurous type due to his love of home; he'd rather have luxury, preferring to spend his time and money on making life more pleasurable.

The Secret Language of Birthdays by Gary Goldschneider and Joost Elffers
The Complete Book of Chinese Horoscopes by Lori Reid


Thanks to everyone that made the free avatars in this article, and thanks to our readers for their continued support.

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Article submitted by FantasyStock.
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British-Prophetess's avatar
I really love the descriptions, especially of my star sign Scorpio :D